Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yard Sale!

Today was my Yard sale, and man am I happy it's over! I think I need to just stick with going to them, its much easier.
This is me  happy and chipper 7am in the morning, ready to get the party started!!
 Joey had a goodie stand where he had Licorice, cookies and drinks!

He ended up making $10.38...he was happy!

All I have to say is the kids in the neighborhood loved it! I think Joey has never had so many friends as he had today!
After 5 hours of this I was, to say the least......................POOPED OUT!
P.S. I was able to sneak out for a bit to go to one myself and look at what I found..I was happy:) I think I'm in love!
I just love purses! "The bigger they are, the smaller you look"!

Happy Yard Sailing!!


Lisa said...

cute purse! I want to see the after the yard sale picture...

Lisa said...

oh and my toes are NOT old!

themasons said...

I did take a couple of after shots but I wouldn't dare post 'em.
I'd rather you remember me this way.