Friday, July 23, 2010

Garden Party!

Jerry and I are just so excited about our garden. this is the first year we have planted a garden since we have lived here.  We are so amazed how easy it was. In California we grew a few tomatoes but that was about it, every thing grows like WEEDS here, (even the weeds grow like weeds!) The birdhouse you see use to be a floor lamp Jerry and I made many moons ago that use to adorn Joey's bedroom, but since we've changed the theme to his room we thought this would be the perfect addition to the garden. do you like?

The Sun flowers are almost as tall as Joey!


Lisa said...

Love it! I want some tomatos!

Regina and Jim said...

Theresa, that looks good! having a garden is so much fun, not to mention things taste so much better too! Good for you guys!