Tuesday, March 9, 2010

5 minute craft idea

Here's an idea I STOLE from Room to Inspire. it cost me approx. $7.00  it could have been cheaper but I spent too much on the frame (I'm a sucker for anything that sparkles!) All you need is *egg*Ribbon*tiny frame*hot glue gun. And there you have it! A center piece!



themasons said...

Wow. Impressive. Looks better than the original!

Grammaduh said...

Dang Theresa, you sure aren't very humble. I think it's nice too but, really!

themasons said...

Thanks alot Becki I know I was still signed in at your house....you stinker!!

Cricket said...

You always have such cute ideas....your own or borrowed it doesn't matter...still waaaay cute!

Regina and Jim said...

Theresa, very cute. Okay can you help me make one for my table?

Amber said...

so I am back to the blogging world!! So fun to catch up via your blog... LOVE IT ♥

Lisa said...

I love your new background!